The Root: Our Footing, Our Animality - [Part 2]

As I mentioned before, we begin life with an emphasis on the root chakra. Not only does this space hold primitive and innate qualities, but it is particularly fitting for feeding energy emanated from the earth into our system. Because humans are of a form based on the elements and vibratory constitutions of the earth, we rely heavily on direct connection to this planet. The earth contains a biofield of its own, which permeates from the core of it’s structure out into the encircling atmosphere. The solar system, too, functions as a whole being with smaller components of life bolstering and maintaining a regularity of health. This pattern extends into the greater expansions of our universe and is equally expressed in the smallest particle of life. Without this energetic nourishment, we lose our ability to function optimally and may suffer a lapse in vigor. To ‘ground oneself’ is to meld with and link into earth’s natural distribution of power bound to the Oneness of its spirit. We often find an easement of mind and relieved tension when we connect to this wonder that is home. Although humans are continually in contact, even indirectly so, with the surface of the earth, the idea of grounding is more intentional and personal. It is a meditative time of slowing and restabilizing the Self. Of course, this is best achieved when we can directly touch the ground or be in the vicinity of other sources of life. Here we are ‘rooting’ and deriving energy from the environment in order to strengthen and steady ourselves. This exchange is beneficial in helping to clear out aggregations of stress or constrictions of energy.

Furthermore, food is critical to survival and allows for sustainability in our daily lives. Implementing a diet that supplies necessary levels of nutrition also contributes to heightened functionality and a more centered state of being. Noticing whether or not you are balanced in your intake of vitamins and minerals is a valuable practice; however, I think it is just as appropriate to yield a life that is broad and diverse in nature. We ‘soak in’ just as much from the atmosphere of our current space. I think this can be persuaded by the types of people we surround ourselves with as well as the activities we choose to engage in. Objects and structures, too, hold energies that can be bound to previous owners or incidents that took place and of this we must be observant.

So here, as we stimulate this lower center, we are finding and residing with comfort and security. We can look towards a focus on restoration as we cultivate periods of mindfulness in regards to this nurturing stemming from both the cosmos and our terrestrial plane. We are rejuvenated through rays of sun, refreshed through water and oxygen, revived through the palate, and often renewed through the presence of other living beings.

On a basic level, we depend on cycles of sustenance and hydration so that our bodies may be well equipped to operate effectively. We find assurance in the support and protection of our ‘tribe’ or community and confidence in judicial laws that seek to maintain fairness and honor truth. In today’s day and age, fundamentals of survival can also be related to jobs and correlated influx of money and means of shelter. Whether or not we are able to provide for ourselves and/or others within our circle can determine how firmly established we feel in our environment.

Our first encounter with this sense of connection and stability typically originates within our immediate familial setting. The scene that is setup here and what is brought about and experienced over the course of our childhood can be especially indicative of how we handle and interpret our reality later on in adulthood. This is inclusive of dealings with relationships, personal conduct, attitudes, beliefs, motivations, dependencies, and temperaments, amongst other developmental attributes. We initially cling to what has been presented before us culturally. Here we form an identity in relation to the group(s) we are a part of. We discover a sense of belonging and are impressed with ideas of bonding and attachment as a member of a collective. This association to a unified entity that emerges from such can be furthered as we continue growing and become more entangled in the greater conscious web that we are a component of.

As I have stated before, the nature of the root center favors these types of concepts but is certainly not limited to them nor is it fixated on these notions. For instance, points of blockage may occur due to feelings of abandonment, loss of order, or confronting threats to physical longevity; however, different people will cope with these experiences in varying manners and may house these traumas in alternate parts of the body.